Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Google for President

I feel like I've said this before, but I love/hate Google. As far as I'm concerned, "don't be evil" is just Google's way of saying, "but imagine if we were..." We all use Google products, everyday, whether we realize it or not. But at what cost? What if, one day, Google decided to not abide by the aforementioned mantra?

I'm reminded of too many scenarios in fictional media where some seemingly benevolent entity introduces some amazing product that everyone loves and utilizes, only to achieve some nefarious goal once people have assimilated said product completely. The robots in I, Robot, the cellphones in Kingsmen, and a few other more obscure examples immediately come to my mind.

I am not denying the utility of Google services, but neither did the world deny the utility of free phone and data service forever, for life. That was, before those phones turned the world population into bloodthirsty raving lunatics (spoiler alert for Kingsmen, btw). What I am saying, is that we should be careful. The NSA isn't the only group with access to all our data...

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